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The Voice of Young People on Safeguarding

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Post 16 Youth Mentoring

About us

We offer one-to-one support for young people aged 16-25 who are not in employment, education or training. In partnership with Careers Wales, the Post-16 Youth Mentor Project is a long standing and successful Families First funded project run by Cardiff Council Youth Service. The team aims to target unemployed and economically inactive young people , aged 16 +, from across Cardiff. They offer a tailored person-centred approach, which endeavours to help determine and remove personal barriers. This enables young people to go on and achieve sustained engagement in education, training or the employed labour market. Our team are qualified Youth and Community workers, who work closely with young people and partner agencies. We provide free signposting to overcome the barriers young people can face, and support them to access and remain in education, employment or training (EET).

'The Youth Mentor process has helped increase my confidence massively by taking on new challenges such as learning to drive, applying for college with the ambition of becoming a nurse. Keeping me involved in all decision making and them also being involved with the decision making, while being open and honest.' (Young Person)

Youth Mentor Approach

 The Youth Mentoring process is founded upon relationships based on trust and mutual respect, formed through voluntary engagement. All mentors adopt a non-judgemental, thorough approach that actively encourages young people to contribute to and make key decisions regarding their personal goals and aspirations. Our person-centred approach allows individuals who are ready for education, training or employment, plus those who are furthest away, to receive the appropriate support.

How Post-16 can help

Post-16 Youth Mentors aim to listen, support and subsequently establish personal action plans that will enable young people to achieve their educational, training or careers ambitions.

A Youth Mentor can help young people to:

  • Achieve greater clarity and understanding of EET and the opportunities available to them.
  • Recognise individual skills and abilities.
  • Remove the obstacles to any EET future goals and aspirations.
  • Generate personal solutions to identified problems, with support.
  • Navigate education, employment or training options.
  • Identify suitable education or training courses.
  • Access bespoke Post-16 Curricula / group sessions based on identified needs.
  • Take part in activities to improve skills or work towards an accreditation.
  • Connect to wider Youth Services.
  • Access necessary services.
  • Find appropriate opportunities.
  • Create and transform plans into action and, most importantly, success.

Any young person who is referred and successfully accepted on to the Post-16 Service will be allocated a qualified and experienced Post-16 Youth Mentor, who they will meet regularly on a one-to-one basis. 

'I found it (Youth Mentoring)…very helpful to talk about my problems. I received a lot of help with getting benefit money.  I do feel more confident and I am thinking about my future in a more positive way' (Young Person)

 If you would like to get in touch with our team, you can find our social media, email, and contact number below. 

Contact Us:

Tel: 07773005675
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: North Ely Youth Centre, Pethybridge Rd,Cardiff, CF5 4DP

Our Social Media:

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Screenshot 2021 11 05 At 101500

The Voice of Young People on Safeguarding

Click Here - to take a look at our 6 Goals for Cardiff!

Get in Touch:
Tel: 02920 615260
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